Brief Media Wins Two Marketing Awards at 4th Annual VETTY Awards

January 16, 2020
< 1 min

Brief Media was recognized in two categories of the Animal Health Marketing Awards (also known as the VETTYs) at the 2020 NAVC Veterinary Meeting & Expo (VMX). The VETTYs, which began in 2017, are the first and only awards competition to recognize and reward marketing excellence in the animal health community.

Brief Media was recognized for the Clinician’s Brief Algorithm Collection purchase portal, which won gold in the Website, B2B category. An email series for Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs, focused on the digital drug reference’s benefits to the practicing veterinarian, was awarded bronze in the Digital Campaign category.

The purchase portal was developed to sell a new and improved print collection of clinical decision trees from Clinician’s Brief. The product helps veterinarians efficiently select tests, eliminate differentials, and determine the next steps for treatment. You can see the winning page here.

About The VETTYs

The NAVC, the world’s leading not-for-profit association dedicated to supporting the global veterinary health community, introduced THE VETTYs in 2017 to recognize and reward the marketing excellence that helps fuel the rapidly growing industry, which already generates over $6 billion in revenue in the US alone each year.

The competition is open to products and services available through veterinarians or that supports the veterinary community, including pharmaceuticals, pet foods, diagnostic equipment, professional associations, pet advocate organizations and more.

More information can be found at