11 Staff Gift Ideas to Make Your Team Feel Appreciated

November 24, 2020
2 min

Nobody has been unaffected by the challenges of 2020, including your employees. In appreciation of hard work and positive attitudes during unprecedented times, many companies are going above and beyond to show staff appreciation this holiday season. If you’re looking for a special way to show your team some holiday love, here are a few staff gift ideas we’re crushing on.

Subscription to a Club

Sign your team up for a club! This is a gift idea that will last the entire year. What gets your team excited? Here are few clubs that caught our attention:

Personalized 2020 Memento

What united your team this year? Give them something personalized to commemorate it, such as a customized mug or picture frame. Provide a gift card along with it and you have a winning holiday gift.

Tech Tool

A work-at-home technology gadget, such as a Bluetooth speaker, headphones, or even a tablet, is something every team member would enjoy (and use).

Local Meal

This gift is a twofer! Your team gets a gift card to a local restaurant and a local business gets support at a time when it’s much needed.

Self-Care Box

Who doesn’t like a care package filled with self-pampering products? There are companies who sell these types of boxes pre-made for ordering and drop-shipping.

Related Article: 10 Staff Holiday Celebration Ideas

Branded Bottle

How about an engraved bottle of wine for each teammate? It’s elegant and personalized.

Branded Gear

Pull enough swag together and it becomes a holiday gift. Team members will love gear with the company logo. Common gifts that don’t require sizes include hats, backpacks, coffee mugs, and water bottles. Jackets, fleeces, and vests are also great gifts.

Gift Basket

This one isn’t new, but it’s a classic for a reason.

A Low-Maintenance Plant

A succulent brings life to a workspace without needing much TLC in return.


A perennial favorite, a fresh bouquet of flowers really will brighten up your employees’ homes!

Gift Card

When all else fails, gift cards are your safety net. Unless you know what everyone likes, keep it simple with VISA gift cards. Employees are then free to spend it on whatever strikes their fancy.