6 Marketing Blogs You Should Follow

August 27, 2020
2 min

Whether you’re new to blogs or a long-time expert, you’ll benefit from this quick list of marketing blogs. We’ve compiled our favorite marketing blogs that inspire us and keep us informed on the latest trends, from SEO to headline writing—and everything in between. Make sure these marketing thought leaders are on your radar.


Visit the Blog

You probably expect a company that sells a suite of inbound marketing products to have a good content strategy, and you will not be disappointed! HubSpot has one of our favorite marketing blogs in the industry. It offers an incredible cross section of content for sales, marketing, and customer service professionals. Content includes practical tips, useful learning modules and certifications, and insightful reports, including an annual state of marketing report.

Digital Summit

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The Digital Summit hosts great live and virtual events, and they also have an incredible library of resources for marketers. They focus on all things digital, including video, analytics, social media marketing, and digital content marketing. Here’s a nugget on their blog to start with: 5 Unconventional Keyword Research Tools to Get a Competitive Edge in SEO.

Content Marketing Institute

Visit the Blog

The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) publishes content a few times a week on—you guessed it: content marketing. The site is full of practical how-tos as well as insight and advice from content marketing experts. Whether you’re new to content marketing or just trying to get better results on your current efforts, CMI has ideas for you. Here’s a handpicked resource to start with: Overcome a Boring Blog with These 5 Tips.

Social Media Today

Visit Site

Check out Social Media Today to keep up with the latest social media trends. Subscribe to their newsletter and discover everything from the twists and turns in the TikTok drama to LinkedIn’s latest data. Here’s one that’s especially appropriate for our market: Facebook Promotes the Use of Hashtags on Posts – But Will It Improve Post Reach?

Seth Godin’s Blog

Visit the Blog

We won’t call every blog on this list “one of our favorite marketing blogs,” but this one is a close second. If you’re looking for marketing inspiration and quick tips, Seth Godin’s website is the perfect destination. His post on permission marketing is sure to get your creative juices flowing!

Veterinary Marketing Brief

See the Library

For marketing content specific to the veterinary industry, you’re in the right place right now. Veterinary Marketing Brief is focused on industry-specific marketing tips, industry insights and case studies, and marketing 101 content developed specifically for veterinary industry marketers. We’re glad you’re here! If you aren’t getting our weekly Friday digest yet, be sure to subscribe.