[Case Study] Webinar Series Works Hard

September 8, 2020
2 min

Many companies have been pursuing webinars as a way to generate leads and provide educational nurturing for prospects. In this case study, we’ll look at how webinar performance can be amplified through a partnership approach to registration marketing.

Case Study

An established company in the veterinary industry launched a 12-month webinar series initiative with a goal to attract a total of 6,000 webinar registrants over the duration of the year-long campaign.

Campaign Goals

The campaign had several goals:

  • Provide education to the market in light of limitations on live events
  • Generate 6,000 registrations
  • Create an engaging webinar experience with quizzes, polls, and Q&As
  • Produce a healthy pipeline of leads for sales

Campaign Details

MessagingThe series focused on a different niche health topic each month to both generate new leads, and to active existing leads to participate in the entire series.
TimelineThis webinar campaign spanned over 12 months.
Target AudienceB2B target audience of veterinarians with an interest in the treatment and prevention of common clinical conditions.

Generating Awareness

The campaign leveraged a robust digital media mix through Brief Media. This effort was augmented by promotional efforts by the client to their in-house database. Promotional tactics included:

  • Client Database Email Marketing
  • Client Database Direct Mail
  • Brief Media Emails to a Targeted Audience
  • Brief Media Facebook Posts to a Targeted Audience
  • Brief Media Digital Banner Ads
  • Brief Media Newsletter Native Ads

Campaign Results

The result of cross promotion between the Brief Media database and client database was incredible engagement and goal-busting registration numbers. The campaign’s objective was to generate 500 registrations per webinar to attract 6,000 registrants over 12-months.  The campaign beat that goal by more than 4 times.

  • On average, 2,605 people registered for each webinar
  • The average attendee percentage was 60%

Brief’s Digital Products for Long-Term Awareness

This campaign demonstrates the value of leveraging education as a lead generation tool and the amplification of results when both the client and advertiser combine their efforts to work towards a common goal.

Brief’s ability to data match ensures you are reaching an audience that you don’t already market to with your house database, which enables you to produce outstanding results, regardless of campaign type.

Contact our team to start a conversation about your long-term plans.