Veterinary Webinar Exceeds Registrant-to-Attendee Conversion Rate Benchmark [Case Study]

September 17, 2020
2 min

We know that webinars are a good lead generation tool, but how do you really gauge the effectiveness of your webinar program? Naturally, a high number of registrations is a good sign you’ve attracted valuable attention. But it’s the registrant-to-attendee conversion rate that truly measures success. This conversion rate has been one of the steadiest webinar benchmarks over the years, averaging between 35% and 45%, according to data compiled by Bizibl. If your conversion rates are frequently low, it may be time to reevaluate your webinar program.

There are quite a few different ways to drive a stronger registrant-to-attendee conversion rate in the veterinary industry:

  • Create scarcity: Don’t offer a recorded version after the live broadcast.
  • Offer incentives: Create a drawing or giveaway that requires attendance for registrants to participate.
  • Provide value: Consider obtaining RACE-approval for your webinar program through the AAVSB and offering RACE-approved CE.

In this case study, we’ll take a look at how one company leveraged RACE-approved CE to earn high registration numbers and an incredible registrant-to-attendee conversion rate.

Case Study

A new company in the veterinary industry developed a RACE-Approved webinar focused on educating small animal veterinarians about their product category. The content was non-promotional to enable RACE certification.

Campaign Goals

The campaign had several goals:

  • Earn high engagement and long audience attention time with CE certification
  • Educate the market about an emerging product category
  • Convert attendees at a high rate because of CE offer
  • Produce a healthy pipeline of leads for sales

Campaign Details

MessagingThe webinar featured fun and playful messaging designed to grab attention and convert registrations.
TimelineThe full webinar campaign spanned over 2 months and included RACE-certification, promotion, and webinar execution.
Target AudienceB2B audience of veterinarians who had demonstrated an interest in emerging therapeutics.

Campaign Components

The campaign included a diverse cross section of components and services delivered by Brief Media.

  • Management and execution of webinar
  • Completion of RACE applications
  • Management of speakers and KOLs
  • CE test hosting and grading
  • CE certificate generation and distribution
  • 3 emails to a targeted audience, including resends to unopens
  • 2 Facebook posts to a targeted audience
  • 2 newsletter native ads
  • Inclusion in Clinician’s Brief online CE page promotions

Campaign Results

The appealing messaging and offer of CE credit earned this webinar a total of 1,143 registrations, with a total of 731 attendees. The registrant-to-attendee conversion rate was 64%, a substantial achievement when compared to the standard 35% to 45% benchmark.

  • Webinar Registration: 1,143 Registrants
  • Webinar Attendee Percentage Average: 64%

Partnering With Brief Media for CE Webinars

This campaign highlights the value of offering veterinary CE credit for your webinars. Brief Media can manage these campaigns from end-to-end, from obtaining RACE-approval to marketing and hosting the webinar.

Plus, Brief Media’s online CE platform provides a convenient location to host your content and continue to convert leads after your webinar’s live broadcast date.

Contact our team to discuss hosting a CE webinar for your product or service!