10 Lead Magnets You Need

August 13, 2020
3 min

Lead magnets are a cornerstone of your inbound marketing campaigns. These high-value content pieces attract prospects and help you capture that coveted piece of data: the email address. Lead magnets can take a lot of forms, from a tip guide or e-book or even a plug-and-play template. If you’re stuck in a rut with the same lead magnet formats, try these ideas to reinvigorate your lead magnet library.

1. Checklists

Everyone loves a good checklist. They are transactional and easy to read and can effectively convert prospects to leads. Consider two different approaches to checklists:

  • For veterinary teams: Create checklists that can help veterinary teams with best practices or optimized workflows. You can easily integrate your product or service into these checklists—but be careful to not make it all about you. These checklists should provide value first and support your brand second.
  • For pet owners: Create content the veterinarian can share with their audience of pet owners. This can be a great way to activate pull-through campaigns. Check out this recent case study for more B2B2C ideas. 

2. Plug-and-Play Templates

Templates are always a win! Especially if the veterinarian can customize them with their own text or logo. Create a template toolkit that includes resources such as email templates or social media posts on a topic that is important to your brand. Make them easily customizable by the veterinarian and get 2 wins: You’ll generate veterinary leads and veterinarians will share your content with pet owners for pull-through marketing.

3. Topic-Focused Resource Compilation

Veterinarians are busy. If there is a specific topic of industry interest, consider creating a resource center to help veterinarians quickly navigate to what they need. For example, during the pandemic, resource centers on relevant topics have proven to be extremely valuable to veterinarians. You can leverage some of your internal resources in the resource center to drive awareness and traffic to your offering. For example, consider creating a resource list or web-based resource center about nutritional support for geriatric pets. Then market that resource specifically to a relevant target audience to maximize conversions. Remarket to engaged prospects with next-step content.

4. Calendars

Help veterinarians plan their upcoming months with a calendar that includes important pet holidays and observances that they should know about (eg, cat health month, world spay day). Consider adding additional value with some suggested social media content posts. You can even add your own webinars and virtual events to the calendar to generate awareness for your upcoming digital events.

5. Webinars

You didn’t think we’d get though a lead magnet list without talking about webinars, did you? Don’t get webinar fatigue! Webinars are important for one reason: they work.

There are 2 reasons for the effectiveness of webinars as lead magnets. First, anyone willing to part with 60 minutes out of their day is interested in what you are talking about. Second, because you are providing so much value with this long-form content, prospects are willing to part with more personal information.

Don’t be afraid to ask qualifying questions on a webinar registration form! You’ve created great content—you have permission to ask for more information than on a tip guide download.

6. Calculators and Spreadsheets

If you’re targeting practice managers or decision makers on the business side of the veterinary clinic, consider providing an interactive calculator or spreadsheet that can help them with tactical business planning. This is a great way to show the ROI of your product or service embedded within a larger planning tool.

7. Reports

Guides are great, but sometimes reports are better. A guide is often associated with tactical tips that will require you to take some action. Reports, on the other hand, are designed to provide data that facilitates higher-level strategic insights. A guide will tell you what to do, whereas a report gives the reader the information they need to make an informed decision. If you have access to high-value data, consider packaging it into a report.

8. The Vault

Remember what Disney did with all their classic films? You can do it too. Reinvigorate existing content that was popular by creating value in the exclusivity of it by “bringing it out of the vault.” To effectively leverage this strategy, you’ll need to decide when content ‘goes in the vault.’ Plus, you’ll have to make sure your audience understands the time-sensitive nature of your offer.

9. Quizzes

Veterinarians love quizzes! They work hard to be experts at what they do, and they enjoy self-testing their own knowledge. Quizzes can both help you attract leads and gain market insights about the level of knowledge your prospects have on a particular topic.

10. Case Studies

Clinical case studies are also effective lead magnets. Consider making these web-based instead of PDF-based to ensure you are collecting insights about visitor engagement. It’s tempting to make these PDFs, but you lose the ability to see all the offline activity on a PDF, like time on page.

Give your inbound digital campaigns a jolt of energy with these ideas. Once you have a strong lead magnet library, it’s time to create an automated lead nurturing program. Get our best tips for efficiently converting your marketing-qualified leads into sales-qualified leads.