Educational Campaign Helps Company Control a Narrow Conversation [Case Study]

July 8, 2020
2 min

Digital capabilities are expanding horizons for B2B companies in the veterinary industry, enabling them to employ a B2B2C campaign structure to own conversations with both veterinarians and pet owners in a 360-degree manner. These web-based campaigns are less expensive than the direct-mail approach for B2B2C campaigns of the past, resulting in wider adoption in our industry.

These campaigns target veterinarians with educational content and then equip them with the tools they need to launch their own communications with pet owners. In short, a “teach the teacher” approach to marketing. The result? Educated clinicians and widespread product awareness for pet owners.

Case Study: Controlling the Conversation with B2B2C Marketing

An established company in the veterinary industry had a long-term initiative aimed at owning a niche conversation about a subset of the canine population.

The company wanted to employ a B2B2C campaign model to leverage veterinarians to communicate the company’s message en masse to pet owners.

The campaign had several goals:

  • Own a niche conversation
  • Drive veterinarians to a microsite and article
  • Motivate veterinary professionals to share pet-owner–targeted content on social media
  • Drive engagement with a veterinary educational module
  • Generate awareness among veterinarians and pet owners about the unique qualifications of the brand to solve the specific needs of the target canine demographic

Campaign Details

MessagingThe campaign highlighted very specific health topics related to the target canine demographic to attract interest from a wide audience of veterinarians, and a narrow audience of pet owners with dogs who fit the target profile.
TimelineThis digital campaign spanned over 5 months; however, the overall initiative was a long-term campaign that had run for over 12 months.
Target AudienceB2B target audience of veterinarians with an interest in the target canine demographic and a B2C target audience of pet owners who owned dogs in the target canine demographic. The secondary audience of pet owners was reached via the primary target of veterinarians sharing content.

Generating Awareness

The campaign leveraged a robust a digital media mix through Brief Media.

4 months of banner advertising on cliniciansbrief.comClick-through rate* (CTR): 0.29% Impressions: 242,936
6 sponsored content placements in Clinician’s Brief daily e-newsletters to a targeted audience through the OnPoint Audience Intelligence DatabaseCTR: 2.59%
6 social media ads to the target veterinary audienceCTR: 0.36% Impressions: 457,984
9 OnPoint emails deployed to a targeted veterinary audienceOpen rate: 22%
CTR: 5.14%
Microsite content engagementPageviews: 37,313 Average time on page: 2 minutes, 44 seconds
*CTR Calculation: (Number of Clicks / Number of Sends)

Campaign Results

This campaign performed within Brief Media’s benchmarks and drew high engagement because of the cross-platform nature of the promotional messaging.

  • 740,000+ impressions delivered to veterinary professionals via the comprehensive digital campaign
  • 60% of veterinary professionals who engaged with the microsite participated in the continuing education module
  • 63% more time was spent on page versus other sponsored content pages for the same time period
  • Pet owner exposure to the campaign messaging via Facebook as veterinarians shared the sponsored Facebook content with their audiences

Developing Long-Term Awareness with Brief Media’s Digital Products

This campaign demonstrates two key points: the value of long-term digital nurturing to create brand awareness and the strength of a B2B2C campaign. This campaign contributed to the brand’s ownership of a niche conversation, and the long-term initiative continues to thrive.

Brief’s ability to target your niche audience enables you to craft powerful long-term awareness campaigns for your brand.

Contact our team to start a conversation about your long-term plans!