How This Campaign Produced a 25% Lead-to-Sale Conversion Ratio [Case Study]

July 28, 2020
2 min

Historically, many companies leveraged virtual campaigns to augment sales campaigns in order to build awareness and generate top-of-funnel leads. The current economic and sales environment had caused a paradigm shift. These days, digital campaigns need to produce handraisers who are ready to buy. What’s a handraiser, you may ask? It’s someone who explicitly says, “I am interested in your product—let’s talk.” It’s essentially another term for a sales-qualified lead.

In this case study, we’ll take a look at how one midsize company in the veterinary space leveraged Brief’s digital marketing engine to fuel their handraiser campaign and generate high sales conversions.

Case Study

An established midsized company in the veterinary industry launched a campaign designed to convert prospects into handraisers for a product demonstration. The campaign offered entry into a drawing in exchange for the prospect’s engagement in a demonstration with a sales representative. The Brief team leveraged the company’s messaging and digital assets to execute a targeted campaign to decision makers.

Review of Campaign Goals

  • Generate product awareness among veterinary decision makers
  • Convert prospects into handraisers
  • Convert handraisers into sales

Campaign Details

MessagingThe campaign’s call to action encouraged prospects to request a demo to earn an entry into a drawing.
TimelineThis digital campaign ran for 1 month.
Target AudienceDecision makers not currently in the company’s existing database, to engage new prospects and improve overall campaign performance
TacticsThis campaign was 100% digital-driven and focused on targeted emails and resends to unopens with revised subject lines.

Campaign Results

The campaign was executed both to the company’s highly engaged house database and the target audience established through Brief Media. Campaign metrics were tracked separately to determine performance.

  • House Database
    • 85% conversion rate of demo-request handraisers to meetings
    • 30% conversion rate of meetings to sales
    • 25% overall conversion rate of handraisers to sales
  • Brief Media Target Audience
    • 67% conversion rate of demo-request handraisers to meetings
    • 38% conversion rate of meetings to sales
    • 25% overall conversion rate of handraisers to sales

Overall. Brief Media was able to attract a new pool of handraisers that the company wouldn’t have been able to attract through their own house list and performed higher on request-to-meeting conversions. Brief’s conversion rate from handraises to sales was in alignment with the company’s performance of a 25% conversion rate.

Leveraging Brief Media’s Digital Products for Sales Conversion

This campaign demonstrates the value of digitally marketing handraiser programs as a tactic to convert prospects into sales-qualified leads. This campaign effectively converted unknown prospects into sales.

Brief’s ability to target your niche audience enables you to craft strong lead-conversion campaigns like this one. Contact our team to start a conversation about your upcoming sales conversion plans!