Stop Guessing and Start Giving Prospects What They Want

March 1, 2022
3 min

Does reaching prospects feel like a guessing game that leaves you with messaging that just doesn’t land with your audience? Those failed marketing campaigns cost time and money and result in missed opportunities that are impossible to quantify. To add to the confusion: today’s veterinary industry marketers are finding it harder than ever to know what will break through the noise. So, instead of another round of head-scratching, why not just ask the questions and get out of the guessing game altogether? Let’s look at a couple quick, high-impact ideas for market research.

Collect Feedback to Know Your Prospect

Whether you need a quick validation of an assumption or a more in-depth look at market preferences, we’ve got ways to deliver the campaign-boosting data you need.

Grab Quick Insights

Poll questions are a great way to get quick answers to essential questions. (We often present visitors to the Clinician’s Brief  website with 1-question survey pop-ups.)

As an added bonus: Remarket to poll respondents based on their answers. That’s right, a poll can actually produce leads! 🤯

Poll questions are short and transactional, letting you collect a large volume of responses without needing financial incentives like gift card drawings. Target audiences for poll questions by demographic and behavioral criteria to ensure you’re tapping into the right audience. If your answer is the needle in a haystack, a poll question can find it. 🔎

Real-World Case Study: Quick Insights in Action

Goal: Get a fast answer about veterinarian-buying habits related to their product category for an advertising partner

Deliverable: A 7-day poll was deployed targeting visitors to who had engaged with content synergistic to the brand’s offering. Respondents received an automated email response based on their poll answer with nurturing educational content.


  • 1,170 poll responses
  • 40.3% open rate on the follow-up email

Dig for the Data to Reach Your Prospects

Well-crafted surveys can provide in-depth insights, including market preferences and trends, to support your market research efforts. It’s getting the responses that can be difficult. Challenges can come in the form of small or unengaged databases, or, in some cases, a customer-heavy database that potentially skews results.

If you’re looking for a deep dive with quick answers, a custom survey is the perfect fit. Custom surveys often contain 5-15 questions and provide an opportunity to hear the voice of the audience through a combination of free-response and multiple-choice questions. 

Remember: These surveys are a time investment for your audience, so show them you’re grateful with a little gift. Guaranteed gift cards to the first group of respondents (great for gathering quick answers) or a random gift card drawing when you want the answers to keep rolling in work well to inspire responses.

Related Article: How to Collect Actionable Insights with Audience Surveys

PRO TIP: Want to know the secret ingredient to successful custom surveys? It’s the audience. Shhhh, don’t tell. Clinician’s Brief customizes the audience to ensure you’re getting the right insights from the right people. We can even de-duplicate your database of prospects and customers from the deployment to make sure we’re only getting data from those not already in your marketing campaigns.

Real-World Case Study: Custom Surveys

Goal: An advertising partner was searching for insights on current market trends and preferences to inform future marketing and sales decisions. 

Deliverable: A custom survey was developed by the client and the Clinician’s Brief team. The survey was sent to 15,000 US-based contacts, and a $50 gift card was offered to the first 100 participants.


  • 319 survey responses in 2 weeks
  • A report of results and key findings was delivered 1 week after survey close-out

Start Getting The Right Answers

Ready for custom insights? Reach out to the Brief team today to discuss your data needs. Our team is ready to help you create a plan for using the data and to suggest ways you can activate respondents and turn market research into lead generation!