Marketing Automation

Ideas for Generating Veterinary Leads in 2021

December 17, 2020
3 min

Let’s talk 2021realities: Despite our hopes for a return to normalcy, complete with the veterinary industry events we’ve come to rely on, we now know that won’t be the case. Several organizations, including VMX, Austin Vet, DC Vet, Fetch Indianapolis, and ACVIM have pushed their major events to June 2021. So, that’s that. Shall we pivot to […]

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Marketing Automation: A Glossary of Terms

December 9, 2020
3 min

Ready to learn the language of marketing automation? It’s easy to get lost in the lingo when you’re getting started with marketing automation. Get familiar with these common terms and soon you’ll be speaking the language of automation like an old marketing pro.   The Many Names for Automation First and foremost, let’s address the various […]

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How Dynamic Content Creates Custom Digital Experiences

October 29, 2020
3 min

Think you’re ready to fine-tune your marketing with dynamic content? If you’ve got the will and the first-party data, you’re well on your way to providing a personal touch to all your messaging. Dynamic content creates custom experiences that stimulate engagement and convert more leads. If you want to add dynamic content to your user […]

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10 Tips for Crafting an Automated Lead Nurturing Program

May 28, 2020
4 min

A lead nurturing program can strengthen your marketing campaigns and more efficiently convert your leads. Try our 10 best tips to create your own.

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