Industry Insights

Educational Campaign Helps Company Control a Narrow Conversation [Case Study]

July 8, 2020
2 min

Digital capabilities are expanding horizons for B2B companies in the veterinary industry, enabling them to employ a B2B2C campaign structure to own conversations with both veterinarians and pet owners in a 360-degree manner. These web-based campaigns are less expensive than the direct-mail approach for B2B2C campaigns of the past, resulting in wider adoption in our […]

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The B2B2C Business Model, Explained

July 8, 2020
2 min

You’re probably pretty familiar with the two primary business revenue models: business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). Most companies either sell their products or services to other companies or to an end user. But have you heard about B2B2C? It’s more relevant to your business than you might think. B2B vs B2C A B2B model focuses […]

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How This Webinar Surpassed Expectations for Lead Generation [Case Study]

July 1, 2020
2 min

Virtual education is on the rise! Companies are executing online education through a variety of channels, including virtual trade show events, media-hosted webinars, and their own internally hosted webinars. In this webinar case study, see how a new company in the veterinary industry partnered with Clinician’s Brief to spread the word about their upcoming event—and […]

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What Is A/B Testing?

July 1, 2020
2 min

A/B testing is one of the best strategies for optimizing your digital marketing. Get a quick overview of this simple approach and start using it today.

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Is Your Value Proposition Strong Enough?

June 25, 2020
3 min

Your tactics are only as strong as your weakest link… how’s your message? Value propositions are not just a list of features and benefits or the tangible product or service you deliver—they go much deeper. There are many traps you can fall into while creating your value proposition. Don’t mistake it for a slogan, and […]

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What Is Retargeting?

June 25, 2020
2 min

Retargeting is often confused with remarketing. Google (and the occasional marketer) refers to remarketing as a way to reach past website visitors and app users—this is really retargeting. Retargeting leverages the display network to serve ads to site visitors via website tracking cookies. Remarketing, on the other hand, leverages email for reengagement. Retargeting is often […]

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How a Simple Training Video Converted Leads to Sales Meeting Requests

June 18, 2020
2 min

New to digital marketing? This case study will be right up your alley. See how a simple training video worked to convert 23 sales meeting requests.

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What Are Off-Network Impressions?

June 17, 2020
< 1 min

You may have heard about delivering your ad via off-network impressions. Get the 411 on how it works and see some real-world examples!

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Back to Basics: 3 Marketing Books to Read

June 8, 2020
2 min

It’s easy to get caught up in the marketing jargon. Or to feel lost in the complexities of the ever-evolving world of marketing tactics. Ultimately, as a marketer, you have two key tasks. The first is to understand consumer behavior. The second is to tell compelling stories that elicit a desired behavior. If you’re feeling […]

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