Make the Most of Your Webinar Leads

July 17, 2024
5 min

Webinars are an effective way to drive a high volume of quality leads for B2B veterinary products. However, many sales and marketing teams stop working these hard-earned leads before they become sales opportunities. In this blog, we’ll review how to make the most of your webinar leads before, during, and after your broadcast.

Why Do Webinars Work for B2B Veterinary Lead Generation?

Veterinary professionals are hungry for educational content. Webinars offer an effective way to deliver high-value content in 30-60 minutes. Here are a few tips to optimize your content:

  • Make your webinar interactive to drive audience participation. Interactive elements like polls and live questions help keep the audience engaged and make the content more memorable.
  • Provide as much detail as you can about the learning goals and content of the webinar. If you plan to include a product demonstration, mention it in your promotions. Veterinarians don’t like unexpected sales pitches, so transparency is crucial.
  • Include pictures and videos to demonstrate educational concepts. Visual aids can make complex information easier to understand and can make your webinar more engaging and visually appealing.
  • If your content is valuable enough, consider getting it approved to offer continuing education (CE) credits. RACE approval adds credibility to your webinar and can attract attendees who need to fulfill their CE hours. You can apply for CE approval on your own or work with a partner like Clinician’s Brief to manage the CE process for you.
  • Partner with a key opinion leader to improve the credibility of your content. A respected expert can lend authority to your presentation and, depending on the KOL’s name recognition, draw a larger audience.
  • Provide webinar attendees access to supplementary PDFs, slides, handouts, and studies to support your webinar’s learning goals. These materials can reinforce the information presented and serve as valuable resources for future reference. They also show your commitment to providing comprehensive educational content.
  • Associate your content with trending topics in veterinary medicine to increase attendance. Aligning with current trends can make your webinar more relevant and appealing. Learn more about the importance of content alignment in this article.

Optimize Your Webinar Leads

Before the webinar…

Use these tips to ensure that you ask the right questions on your registration form and maximize your promotional efforts. This is the critical lead generation step in the webinar process.

Your Registration Form

Ask qualifying questions like What technology do you use today? What is your job title? Would you like product information or a demonstration? Use dropdowns as much as possible for these qualifying questions to make them easy to sort and prioritize post-webinar.

If you are using a CRM, make sure that the dropdown answers match your CRM dropdown options to streamline data upload after the webinar.

Attracting Attendees

Use multiple channels to promote your webinar to convert the most leads. Use separate registration links by channel so you can evaluate which promotional outlets generated the most and the best quality leads.

Consider the following channels to promote your webinar:

  • Post about your webinar on your social media pages to connect with your brand’s engaged followers.
  • Leverage paid social media ads through a respected partner such as Clinician’s Brief. Promotion through media partners is a critical tactic for webinars because these leads will mostly be new to your database, resulting in fresh opportunities for sales.
  • Deploy email to your in-house database and through a media partner like Clinician’s Brief. This tactic typically results in the largest number of registrants. Clinician’s Brief can customize your target audience based on who your content is most likely to interest.
  • Use personalization tokens in subject lines, preview text, and emails to boost registrations.

Engage Your Team

Equip your inside and outside sales team with a flier, pre-built email template, and talk track that they can use to solicit registrations.

Provide an Incentive

Promote a special reason to attend the webinar such as CE for live attendees, an exclusive coupon code, a drawing to win a gift card or high-value item, or additional bonus content for attendees.

During the webinar…

Use these tips to ensure your attendees have a great webinar experience. The during-webinar experience is crucial to making attendees open to hearing from your team after the webinar. By asking the right questions during the webinar, we can also learn a lot about our leads.

Engage Your Attendees

During the webinar, use polls or surveys to keep the audience engaged. Their answers can also provide valuable insights to inform future content creation or to guide the direction of the webinar based on attendee experience. You may also elect to allow attendees to chat with each other or ask live questions. Your sales team can leverage the answers to these questions during their follow-up process. Check out more ideas for creating interactive content that converts.

Share Exclusive Resources

Webinar attendees invest significant time to engage with your content—share links and downloads to VIP content as a thank you. Consider embedding this content on a landing page that includes additional CTAs to book a sales meeting with your team.

Deploy a Post-Webinar Survey

Set up a survey that appears at the conclusion of the webinar to collect feedback and provide attendees with another opportunity to request product information.

After the webinar…

Now that the webinar is complete, sales takes over with lead follow-up. At this step, many teams commonly miss out on critical chances to generate sales meetings. Use these tips to make sure you’re not leaving any leads on the table.


Your webinar leads should be uploaded into your CRM immediately, ideally on the same day as the broadcast. Associate the leads with the webinar campaign so you can track your long-term ROI. Create a list of your webinar leads in your CRM/marketing automation system to make it easier to deploy your follow-up email campaign.

FAST Sales Follow-Up

Leads who requested product information or demonstrations need immediate follow-up. The faster your team can connect with them, the more likely they are to get a meeting. Sales should follow up 1:1 by phone and email until a connection is made.

On-Demand and Nurture Follow-Up Campaign

While sales are completing their 1:1 follow-ups, marketing should deploy a short email nurture that includes the on-demand link to the webinar and 1-2 additional emails with synergistic content. Leverage social proof (like testimonials and quotes) in these emails to demonstrate your credibility. Each of these emails should contain a CTA to meet with sales, and the final email in the nurture should be a product email inviting the registrant to meet with sales.

Take a deep-dive on email automation sequences in this article.

Don’t have a marketing team to handle this step for you? Clinician’s Brief can help you with post-webinar follow-up campaigns.

Lead Scoring and Segmentation

While product-seeking leads require the first follow-up, all leads from webinars should receive follow-up. Use internal lead scoring and segmentation rules to prioritize the best-quality leads.

Retargeting Campaigns

Use retargeting ads to target your webinar attendees with product ads. This will keep your brand top of mind and convert additional sales meetings. Partner with Clinician’s Brief to execute a multi-channel retargeting campaign.

Listen to Feedback

Integrate feedback from attendees about the quality of the webinar or future topics they’d like to hear about in your next webinar.

Analyze Poll Responses

If you asked poll questions, analyze the answers to glean audience insights.

Repackage Your Webinar

Repackage the content from your webinar into a blog, podcast, e-book, or video snippets to continue generating leads from your content. Check out this blog to see 9 ways to repackage a single piece of webinar content.

Partner with VetMedux for Your Next B2B Veterinary Webinar

Whether you just need help promoting your webinar or you’re looking for a turnkey solution, the VetMedux team can help! Our team can help you identify the right content, provide the most appropriate key opinion leader, and manage your webinar from promotion to follow-up. Contact us today to get started.