Industry Insights

Stop Guessing and Start Giving Prospects What They Want

March 1, 2022
3 min

Does reaching prospects feel like a guessing game that leaves you with messaging that just doesn’t land with your audience? Those failed marketing campaigns cost time and money and result in missed opportunities that are impossible to quantify. To add to the confusion: today’s veterinary industry marketers are finding it harder than ever to know what […]

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All About the Lead

February 14, 2022
4 min

If the idea of searching out good leads is giving you flashbacks to Gelengarry Glen Ross, don’t worry, those days are behind us. We’ve come a long way from competing for coveted premium leads and battling over who will be a coffee-deserving closer or the owner of a brand new set of steak knives.  Luckily, […]

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[Case Study] Handraiser Drives High Engagement—and SQLs

November 23, 2021
2 min

Raise your hand if you want more leads! The Handraiser program can help you get them and easily sort them into engagers and those ready to have a sales conversation. Think you might be dreaming? Well, pinch yourself and wake up to how easy it can be. Created by veterinary experts, handraiser programs are designed to […]

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Quantity vs. Quality: Settling the Age-Old Debate on Email Marketing

November 1, 2021
4 min

Everyone has a different philosophy on the best way to do email. But how do you settle into the right strategy for your brand? Get our top tips for email marketing in the veterinary space.

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[Case Study] Let Engagement Be Your Guide to Content Creation

August 28, 2021
2 min

See how one company leveraged historic engagement data to drive new content.

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Prepare for Impact: Email Privacy Is Coming to an iOS Inbox Near You

August 4, 2021
2 min

Apple’s iOS 15 is arriving this September. You may have heard rumblings that it means the end of email marketing. The warnings needn’t be so dire—but you will need to prepare. Don’t worry. We’ve got a quick overview for you to make sure you are prepared for the switch and have the tools to adapt […]

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[Case Study] Benchmark-Busting Campaign Results with the COPE Approach

July 14, 2021
2 min

Go for maximum exposure of your existing content with a cross-channel promotional strategy and see if you don't get Gestalt results too.

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6 Ways to Leverage Remarketing to Produce SQLs

May 7, 2021
2 min

Learn 6 common remarketing techniques that will help you leave no stone unturned in your eternal goal of generating leads.

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[Case Study] 28%+ CTR with Veterinary Remarketing Campaign

April 2, 2021
2 min

See how one campaign in the veterinary industry successfully attracted high engagement with both primary and remarketing campaigns.

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