Industry Insights

Expert Tips for Strategy, Marketing, and Sales Teams

Get practical guidance for strategizing and executing veterinary marketing campaigns that earn the trust and attention of discerning veterinarians.

How Marketing and Sales Teams Can Use a CRM System

October 8, 2020
2 min

CRMs (or Customer Relationship Management systems, to be specific) have never been more important than they are now. As technology evolves, our customers expect us to know them and to provide them relevant content. CRMs can make this easier! Here’s a quick overview of the top functions that CRMs enable and a list of common […]

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8 Technology Tips That Can Improve Your Work-From-Home Experience

September 28, 2020
3 min

Working from home? Us too. Welcome to part 2 of our series for veterinary marketers working from home during a pandemic. We’ve talked about how to work from home, instead of live at work. Now, let’s take a look at some technology tools that can help maximize your productivity and optimize your at-home workflow. 1. […]

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Looking Back: How to Evaluate Your 2020 Marketing Strategy

September 28, 2020
3 min

Planning next year's marketing strategy? Amid the uncertainty of 2020, finding a blueprint for success is tricky. Guide your 2021 strategy with these tips.

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Your Pre-Launch Email Marketing Checklist

September 24, 2020
3 min

Use this email marketing checklist to make sure you’re not missing any key details in your next email campaign. 1. From Address Determine what name you wish to appear as the sender in the recipient’s inbox. For example, if it’s a sales message, you may decide to send it from the sales manager. If you’re […]

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What Is a Facebook Pixel—And Why Do I Care?

September 24, 2020
2 min

If you are advertising on Facebook (or planning to), you need a Facebook pixel. Yes, need. The pixel is simply a few lines of code that you install in the header of your website. It’s the same concept as the code you install for Google Analytics to allow data collection on your website traffic. The […]

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Veterinary Webinar Exceeds Registrant-to-Attendee Conversion Rate Benchmark [Case Study]

September 17, 2020
2 min

In this case study, we’ll take a look at how one company leveraged RACE-approved CE to earn high registration numbers and an incredible registration-to-attendee conversion rate.

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7 Tips to Help You Work From Home Without Living at Work

September 17, 2020
4 min

We're all new to working from home during a pandemic—and it can be extra stressful. Use these 7 tips to redefine your boundaries and reclaim your time.

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State of the Veterinary Industry: Updates Every Marketer Should Know

September 8, 2020
2 min

Planning your fourth-quarter marketing deliverables? Diving into your veterinary marketing strategy for next year? You’ll need these updates on the state of the veterinary industry. Veterinary Practices a Rare Economic Bright Spot We’re all home and spending more time with our pets (and realizing how essential they are to our social network). Maybe we’re also […]

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[Case Study] Webinar Series Works Hard

September 8, 2020
2 min

Many companies have been pursuing webinars as a way to generate leads and provide educational nurturing for prospects. In this case study, we’ll look at how webinar performance can be amplified through a partnership approach to registration marketing. Case Study An established company in the veterinary industry launched a 12-month webinar series initiative with a […]

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Why Veterinary Podcasts Are So Popular

September 3, 2020
2 min

Veterinary podcasts are becoming increasingly popular. Find out why they have so much appeal in the veterinary market—and how you can leverage them for your brand.

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4 Marketing Podcasts Every Veterinary Marketer Should Be Listening To

September 3, 2020
2 min

Need some on-the-go marketing inspiration? Check out these 4 marketing podcasts to stay up-to-date and on-tre

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6 Marketing Blogs You Should Follow

August 27, 2020
2 min

Whether you're new to blogs or an expert, you'll benefit from this quick list of marketing blogs to inspire you and keep you informed on the latest trends.

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10 Reasons Why Your Brand Needs a Blog

August 27, 2020
2 min

A blog can have a long-term impact on your sales and marketing goals. Use these 10 tips to convince your boss (or yourself).

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The Power of Relevance: Marketing During COVID-19 [Case Study]

August 20, 2020
2 min

In this case study, discover the power of a timely message and the role of targeted social media ads in achieving your mid-pandemic marketing goals.

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What Is First-Party Data?

August 20, 2020
3 min

Not all data is created equal. Find out where your data comes from—and which source is most effective for campaign success.

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6 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Watch in Paid Advertising

August 13, 2020
3 min

When you’re leveraging paid advertising, do you know which KPIs are most important? Measure your success with these 6 indicators.

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10 Lead Magnets You Need

August 13, 2020
3 min

Looking to give your inbound digital campaigns a jolt of energy? Check out these lead magnet ideas.

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12 Ideas to Jump-Start Your Next Webinar Project

August 6, 2020
3 min

So your conference plans are on hold, and you’re considering hosting a webinar to meet lead generation goals, spread brand awareness, or nurture your list. But how do you choose a topic that’s worth presenting? What makes a webinar worth your veterinary audience’s limited time? Here are a few ideas to jump-start your next webinar […]

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10 Tips for Hosting a Successful Webinar

August 6, 2020
3 min

New to webinars? Don't miss these 10 tips to help make your webinars stand out.

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All Hail the Engagement Metrics

July 28, 2020
4 min

You should be looking at this metric for every marketing campaign you create.

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How This Campaign Produced a 25% Lead-to-Sale Conversion Ratio [Case Study]

July 28, 2020
2 min

See how one midsize company in the veterinary space partnered with Brief Media to fuel a handraiser campaign and generate high sales conversions.

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How to Interpret (and Improve) Your Email Deliverability Report

July 22, 2020
2 min

What makes an email delivery unsuccessful? What triggers unsubscribes, bounces, and spam reports? Get a quick overview of the intricacies of your email deliverability report.

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5 Must-Know Tips & Tools for Optimizing Email Opens

July 22, 2020
3 min

If an email is sent but never seen, does it make an impact? Unlike the proverbial tree in the forest, nope. Try these optimization tips to help ensure your email is opened.

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